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NFC is Rapidly Gaining Ground as an e-Wallet Standard. Will Apple Play Ball?

On July 25 we posted a secondary report about a new iWallet rumor that had surfaced days earlier. In that report we covered Visa introducing "Visa Digital Solutions," a comprehensive suite of offerings that facilitate secure payments across a broad range of internet devices and wearables like smartwatches. Today we learn that the new Visa system will support NFC and that it's being adopted by the largest Telecom in Taiwan, Chunghwa Telecom as well as those in the Asia NFC alliance including Japanese carrier KDDI, Sk Planet of South Korea and Hong Kong Telecommunications Corp to boost cross-border mobile payment services by using a shared NFC tag specification. The question becomes, will Apple add NFC to their upcoming iPhone 6 so that its ready to work with these Asian Carriers e-wallet services on day one?

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