Thursday, October 22, 2020

Ripl Networks Introduces MLMesh, a Wireless Messaging System Enabling Battery-Powered Sensors to Talk IP

Ripl Networks announced Ripl MLMesh, a Wireless Messaging System that makes any IoT sensor a wireless IP emitter. Comprised of a radio adapter (Ripl-Edge), border router (Ripl-X) and software stack (Ripl-Lib), the system resolves long-standing problems in enterprise IoT.

The foundation of Ripl MLMesh is an ML powered software stack that coordinates guaranteed message delivery and symmetrical communications over an array of battery-powered radio options, including the Ripl-Edge. Ripl-based sensors enable data handling technology the enterprise demands such as TLS (transport layer security), blockchain and SD-WAN (software-defined networking) that’s absent in devices that do not use the ubiquitous IP protocol.

Battery powered devices looking to live many years can’t take advantage of IP connectivity from WiFi and 4G/5G due to their high power consumption. Ripl creates for battery-powered sensors what WiFi does for laptops – making them a simple extension of the IP WAN.

Ripl MLMesh uses AI to learn about its radio frequency (RF) environment in order to coordinate and optimize radio messages across all nodes in the network. MLMesh resolves recurring issues such as loss-prone RF channels and collisions that occur in spray-and-pray type wireless architectures.

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