Thursday, June 20, 2024

Sensormatic Solutions Network of Service Bureaus Enables End-to-End RFID Solutions Worldwide

Sensormatic Solutions can now offer retailers industry-leading radio frequency identification (RFID) source tagging services globally. The organization’s newest RFID Service Bureau in Matamoros, Mexico, expands the footprint of this service, making custom-printed and encoded RFID tags and labels more accessible to North and Central American retailers and their manufacturers for application onto merchandise.

The new North and Central America-focused RFID Service Bureau is the latest facility in the organization’s network, which includes regional locations to provide services in Asia, Europe and the rest of Latin America.

Sensormatic Solutions has always delivered quality RFID-based inventory intelligence solutions to stores, distribution centers and factories. With the RFID Services Bureaus, the capabilities expand by bringing direct delivery of RFID tags and labels to manufacturers worldwide. This helps local manufacturers and retailers to:

RFID technology automates inventory counting processes and updates records in real-time, driving significant reductions in out-of-stocks and markdowns to grow revenue and improve gross margins. For example, the collaboration between Sensormatic Solutions and Renner led to a 64% increase in the Brazilian retailer’s inventory accuracy and an 87% reduction in stockouts.

Source-tagging (equipping merchandise with RFID tags and labels at the point of manufacturing) extends retailers’ line of sight throughout the supply chain, turning merchandise flow data into insights that empower retailers to get ahead of disruptions.

When merchandise arrives floor-ready, associates don’t need to spend time adding tags and labels before stocking shelves and — thanks to automated inventory tracking — staff no longer has to engage in time-consuming manual counting.

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