Appcelerator partners with Scandit to deliver barcode scanner module to Titanium developers
Scandit announced the release of a barcode scanner module for the popular mobile app development platform Appcelerator. The new module will provide developers using Appcelerator’s Titanium platform with a simple way to integrate Scandit’s leading-edge barcode scanner SDK for both iOS and Android apps.
The new barcode scanner module is now available to developers through the Appcelerator Marketplace. The module includes support for UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-13, EAN-8, Code39, Code128, ITF, QR, Datamatrix and PDF417 (beta) barcodes. Scandit’s scan technology captures barcodes from any angle before the camera even focuses, and represents the latest in mobile image recognition. With the new Appcelerator module, developers will be able to support the largest possible number of devices across iOS and Android, including a wide range of low-cost Android devices without autofocus cameras.
Developers using the new barcode scanner module can also access Scandit’s valuable product database through their Product API. With Scandit’s extensive product database featuring over 25 million products, developers can use a wealth of product data in their apps including UPCs, names, descriptions, and categories. Additionally, Scandit’s product database features premium offerings including nutritional product data, European product data for German-speaking countries and a mechanism to sell 3rd-party warranties through mobile apps. This unique combination of barcode scanning technology, expansive product data, and related services has positioned Scandit as a leading platform for the development of product-centric m-commerce and m-payment applications.
The new barcode scanner module is now available to developers through the Appcelerator Marketplace. The module includes support for UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-13, EAN-8, Code39, Code128, ITF, QR, Datamatrix and PDF417 (beta) barcodes. Scandit’s scan technology captures barcodes from any angle before the camera even focuses, and represents the latest in mobile image recognition. With the new Appcelerator module, developers will be able to support the largest possible number of devices across iOS and Android, including a wide range of low-cost Android devices without autofocus cameras.
Developers using the new barcode scanner module can also access Scandit’s valuable product database through their Product API. With Scandit’s extensive product database featuring over 25 million products, developers can use a wealth of product data in their apps including UPCs, names, descriptions, and categories. Additionally, Scandit’s product database features premium offerings including nutritional product data, European product data for German-speaking countries and a mechanism to sell 3rd-party warranties through mobile apps. This unique combination of barcode scanning technology, expansive product data, and related services has positioned Scandit as a leading platform for the development of product-centric m-commerce and m-payment applications.
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