General purpose sensor doesn't fit IoT
As more and more devices are getting connected day-by-day, carrier providers are finding it difficult to collect, process, and dispatch information from one device to another device because of the limitation of interoperability of general purpose sensor. That is creating a separate need of IoT processors. For instance, IoT processors in wearable devices do a lot of controlling, sensing, processing, storing, and interpreting information while consuming very little power area. This would not have possible had vendors of wearable devices such Apple Inc. and Xiaomi would have deployed general purpose processors in their devices.
Despite the big opportunity IoT market present for processor makers, some processor companies have hesitated to make significant investment in this sector. The greatest issue is that products within the IoT sector tend to appeal to niche market and generate relatively low sales volume. But in coming couple of years more semiconductor companies will invest in IoT processor market.
Despite the big opportunity IoT market present for processor makers, some processor companies have hesitated to make significant investment in this sector. The greatest issue is that products within the IoT sector tend to appeal to niche market and generate relatively low sales volume. But in coming couple of years more semiconductor companies will invest in IoT processor market.
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