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Revenues for Third Party IoT Platforms to Grow at a CAGR of 25.2 Percent from $3.75 Billion in 2020 to $11.56 Billion in 2025


IoT platforms provide developers with tools to connect and manage devices and integrate collected data into various applications and services. These platforms are intended to reduce the cost and development time for IoT solutions by providing standardised components that enterprises can build upon. Broadly speaking, most IoT platforms fall into one of the following three categories: connectivity management platforms, device management platforms and application enablement platforms.

Connectivity management platforms (CMPs) allow mobile operators to support their enterprise customers by providing functionality for provisioning, subscription management, cost monitoring and event management.

About 67 percent of the global installed base of 1.74 billion IoT SIMs were managed using commercial connectivity management platforms (CMPs) at the end of 2020. Huawei is the leading IoT CMP vendor in terms of volume with close ties to the domestic operator's China Mobile and China Telecom and managed over 900 million IoT SIMs in Q2-2021. Whale Cloud, formerly known as ZTEsoft and partly owned by Alibaba Group since 2018, is the runner up on the Chinese market. Cisco is the dominant IoT CMP vendor outside of China with about 180 million connections in mid-2021, followed by Vodafone and Ericsson.

Several players have entered the IoT CMP market in recent years. Mavoco delivers the IoT CMP of Nokia's WING offering, a managed service leveraging a global core network. Similarly, EMnify's and floLIVE's product concepts encompass IoT CMPs and distributed core networks deployed in key countries and regions. 1NCE provides an IoT CMP offering since mid-2019 for third-party service providers that want to address high-volume, low bandwidth use cases.

Addressing enterprise pain points related to multi-platform SIM deployments, IoTM provides a bring-your-own MNO platform, enabling the management of large-scale SIM deployments through integrations with third-party CMPs. IoT CMPs are also a key component in the value proposition from IoT managed service providers such as Aeris, KORE, Wireless Logic, Cubic Telecom and Sierra Wireless.

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