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Colorado launches Smart Health QR code and vaccine status functionality within myColorado app

The state of Colorado announced new functionalities within the myVaccine Record portion of the myColorado app, allowing users to verify and share their vaccination status using a SMART Health Card, an internationally recognized standard.

The SMART Health Card is a free, digital version of COVID-19 vaccination records. It allows Coloradans to share proof of vaccination using a secure QR code.

"Fully Vaccinated" will display if a user has two valid Moderna or Pfizer vaccinations or one valid Johnson & Johnson vaccination. "Partially Vaccinated" will display if a user has one valid Moderna or one valid Pfizer vaccination. No personal data is collected about the user of the app. While this functionality will display some personal data about the person showing their SMART Health Card to verify their COVID-19 vaccination status, no personally identifiable information scanned from the SMART Health Cards will be shared.

Coloradans can download their SMART Health Card QR code in the myColorado app at any time. Once a myVaccine Record has been created, residents do not need internet connectivity to share their vaccination status. Apple iOS users will be able to import the SmartHealth Card into their Apple wallet if they have iOS 15.1+.

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