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Public Transport Victoria to introduce contactless payments

Passengers traveling by bus, tram, or train in Victoria, Australia will soon have the option to pay their fares using a physical or digital debit or credit card through an open loop contactless ticketing system. Public Transport Victoria (PTV) plans to upgrade its Myki ticketing system to allow tap-on/tap-off contactless payments with bank cards, with trials beginning in 2024. PTV will also progressively add features such as account-based ticketing to make it easier for Victorians to transition to more convenient ticket purchasing methods.

The new ticketing system will be implemented in two phases. In the first phase, technology provider Conduent will install validators on buses, trains, and trams and provide a contactless payment system for credit and debit cards (Eurocard, Mastercard, Visa, and Amex). Passengers will also be able to pay with existing Myki transit cards, debit and credit cards, and NFC-enabled devices such as smartphones and smartwatches with digital wallets.

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