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Club Quarters rolls out NFC room keys

Club Quarters Hotels has introduced contactless room keys that can be stored directly in the digital wallet of guests’ Apple or Android devices. This feature allows guests to access their rooms simply by tapping their phone, smartwatch, or other personal device on the door lock—no need to download the hotel’s mobile app.

These digital keys eliminate the need for traditional key cards, as guests can add their room key to their digital wallet directly from the email confirming their booking. The key is activated automatically upon electronic check-in and becomes usable as soon as the room is ready, removing the need to visit the check-in desk entirely.

The digital key works seamlessly without requiring guests to open an app, navigate to specific screens, or even unlock their device. It remains functional for up to five hours after the device’s battery dies, ensuring uninterrupted access. The same key also provides entry to the hotel’s fitness center and updates automatically if a guest extends their stay. Powered by Vingcard’s Vostio Access Management solution, this innovative approach enhances convenience and streamlines the guest experience.

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